Pupils spiritual development is shown by their: |
- ability to be reflective about their own beliefs, religious or otherwise, that inform their perspective on life and their interest in and respect for different people’s faiths, feelings and values
| - RE – enquiry based lessons that allow children to reflect on their own lives and other religions.
- Circle times – discussing our values and comparing with others.
- pupil voice
- diversity in school council
- Assemblies to include celebrations of religious events
- Jigsaw weekly PSHE lessons- linked to being reflective about everybody
- Show and Tell, Open communication within class, friendship club, assemblies, Woodside Values, World Books, Topics, picture news discussions, RSE curriculum , visitors into school
- P4C
- Christmas plays from EYFS and KS1
- Visits to the church
- Place 2 Be- counselling support available
- sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them
| - Geography units
- Shining stars assemblies
- RE project/ enquiry based learning – discovery RE
- School trips that link to the topics- (need more visits to places of worship)
- Curriculum links to their lives, real world – maths
- learning without limits learning- choice of challenges- certain subjects
- talent shows
- school productions
- Children share what they want to find out about before teachers plan topics
- Child led learning- EYFS
- Forest school type learning across the school
- Engaging curriculum and topics that inspire- entry and exit points
- Engagement with galleries/ museums- Take one Picture
- open afternoons to share work
- Circle time, RE, open communication within class,buddies working with key stage 1, assemblies, Woodside Values, World Books, Topics, SRE week, visitors into school
- Ivy Parliament, school council, eco council
- use of imagination and creativity in their learning
| - Child centred learning where possible- eg in DT all children designing and making from own ideas
- Creative writing opportunities
- Topic WOW days and closing activity, creativity valued and encouraged as a demonstration of understanding and learning.
- EYFS- role play areas
- Use of drama for writing
- Choice of presenting work
- Take one picture- art/ cross curricular project
- Place 2 Be- counselling support available
- willingness to reflect on their experiences.
| - Learning pit and growth mindset
- circle time
- Use of peer and self assessment as part of learning
- PSHE lessons- weekly celebrations
- Recapping on learning and Flashback Friday
- shining stars assembly- children have opportunity to talk about learning
- School Values
- Children set the class rules and agree with their expectations.
- Behaviour strategy gives children the opportunity to reflect on their actions and what appropriate consequences might be.
- Children freely discuss and share their own experiences. Opportunities provided within planning and through PSHE/RE etc. Class experts when relevant topics are taught.
- circle time, topic, class discussions, RE sessions, visitors into school prompting discussion
- School council – plan events and reflect on them
- Place 2 Be- counselling support available
Pupils’ moral development is shown by their: |
- ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to readily apply this understanding in their own lives, recognise legal boundaries and, in so doing, respect the civil and criminal law of England
| - behaviour policy - Restorative and therapeutic approach to behaviour and learning
- PSHE lessons
- School values agreed with community – Trust worthy, kind, respectful, determined, responsible, cooperative
- School council- half termly meetings
- Pupil surveys
- Police visits – including assemblies
- Links with safer schools’ police unit- visits about gangs, use of social media, assemblies
- Reminders given throughout day about expectations of how we treat others, Woodside Values, opportunities for children to share their thoughts and beliefs, games, PSHE,
- Ivy Parliament, school council, eco council
- Place 2 Be- counselling support available
- understanding of the consequences of their actions
| - behaviour policy - Restorative and theraputic approach to behaviour and learning
- Reflection
- PSHE lessons
- House point with rewards
- Circle times about right and wrong.
- School Values.
- Children set the class rules and agree their expectations based values
- PSHE unit charters agreed at start of units
- Parental engagement
- Child line visitors/ NSPCC
- Place 2 Be- counselling support available
- interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues and ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.
| - English lessons – persuasion, core texts
- PSHE and circle time
- Picture news
- Ivy Parliament, school council, eco council
- Friday inspirational assembly- led by year 6
- Child line visitors/ NSPCC
- Place 2 Be- counselling support available
Pupils’ social development is shown by their: |
- use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
| - CHEXS working with children- including mentors from secondary
- playground games
- PE lessons involving all children
- Celebrating festivals from other cultures
- RE lessons - coverage of all key faiths and beliefs
- PSHE units to cover all key areas linked with our school
- Behaviour,equalities policy
- teaching values to promote respect
- teaching British values to promote tolerance for all faiths
- dinner hall includes all children – celebration days
- sports teams working with other schools ( inclusive teams) - sports day that is non competitive
- Charity events eg children in need, foodbank, red nose day
- Use of picture news weekly discussions.
- Diversity focus on new resources and curriculum content
- School trips including residentials.
- celebration days- eg Royal Events, World Cup celebrations
- Place 2 Be- counselling support available
- willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
| - teaching values to promote respect
- teaching British values to promote tolerance for all faiths
- sports day to include all
- lessons to include all children
- fairness when dealing with behaviour- restorative approach
- theatre/gallery visits
- Team building activities within circle time.
- House competitions in sport
- Outdoor learning
- Child line visitors/ NSPCC
- Place 2 Be- counselling support available
- acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
| - ( see attached document)
- School council voted in by peers
- House captains/ school council/ eco council- hustings and voting- democracy
- Trips to a variety of places, following rules when visiting
- Well linked school values to British values
- Circle time
- Celebration days – eg royal wedding picnic etc
- Anti bullying policy
- Crucial crew junior citizens- year 6
- RE covering major religions.
- Picture news- values page
- PSHE- jigsaw units
Pupils’ cultural development is shown by their: |
- understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and those of others
| - PSHE lessons
- RE discovery curriculum
- Black history month
- Cultural assemblies
- Visitors in school
- Assemblies that cover major festivals
- Sporting activities to include all
- Listening to a range of music – assemblies Music of the month, learning songs from different counties and faiths
- As part of our curriculum ( history/ ART) children looked at what other cultures have brought to the UK. Foods, language, diversity. Looked at reasons why people settle in the UK and why people might leave their homes.
- understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures within school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain
| - Curriculum and resources matched to the community within the school.
- PSHE reading spine and English reading spine- linked to varied curriculum.
- RE lessons
- Crucial crew junior citizens- year 6
- Experiences of other cultures
- Visiting different places of worship
- Celebrations
- Celebrating achievements of famous people in merit assembly
- Behaviour policy links to school values school values
- Theatre visits
- Weekly assemblies about significant dates in major religions.
- PSHE – understanding a sense of belonging and their role in society
- Engaging parents from different faiths- speakers, cultural week ( summer term)
- focus days and weeks- to support protected characteristics- mental health week, LGBTQ+ , neurodiversity, understanding me sessions
- knowledge of Britain’s democratic parliamentary system and its central role in shaping our history and values, and in continuing to develop Britain
| - House captains/ school council/ eco council- hustings and voting- democracy
- Circle time discussions
- Weekly update and discussion about issues affecting the school – children understand the parallels between our system and the British democratic system.
- Topical events discussed.
- UK Parliament week
- Ivy Parliament visit to Houses of Parliament
- willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
| - Weekly celebrations of children’s work and effort
- attending places of worship
- charity events
- music lessons- learning instruments
- all taking part in sport weekly, sports day – picnic as a school
- visiting galleries and museums with school
- Class assemblies - Children encouraged to share their talents with the class and school.
- Kapow music- music assemblies and showcases
- Annual trip to panto
- Choir
- Sports clubs
- Piano/ guitar lessons offered
- Church carol service – children reading
- Annual shows that children perform in ( year 5/6 perform in a real theatre)
- interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity, as shown by their tolerance and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.
| - Charity involvement
- School dinner – cultural, celebration days
- Geography learning/ skills linked to London and Britain
- Links with other schools
- Visitors in school
- Parent volunteers
- Exhibitions in school to celebrate work
- Re lessons
- Faiths and festivals assemblies
- PSHE- Jigsaw
- Reading and PSHE book spines, Library restock
Work linked to prevent |
- provide a safe space in which children, young people and staff can understand the risks associated with terrorism and develop the knowledge and skills to be able to challenge extremist arguments.
| - All staff prevent trained
- Policies link to safeguarding
- Child line visitors/ NSPCC
- Rivers behaviour support
- PSHE lessons – safety
- Online bullying e-safety lessons
- E-safety visitors
- Circle time
- Current events – children feel safe to discuss issues with their class teacher. They can talk their teacher or any adult in the school if they are concerned about any issues at home.