Nursery tour dates for Spring Term- Please see Nursery area of the website

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Woodside Primary School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Uniform Information

We expect all children to come to school in a tidy, full uniform each day. We prefer items to be logoed from the uniform shop to give children a sense of identity, but accept the alternatives.

All year groups including nursery 

white polo shirt with or without logo ( logoed optional)

      Green knitted jumper or cardigan ideally with logo (nursery can wear sweatshirts)

Black shoes- no trainers

BOYS                 GIRLS

Even though these items are listed as boy/ girl they are not gender exclusive. 

Grey trousers or plain grey tailored shorts               Grey pinafore, skirt, culottes or trousers

Black/grey socks                                                              White socks- grey tights

Plain head coverings- inline with school colours- black, green, grey or white.

Summer term - green and white gingham dress, or grey tailored shorts/skirt and white polo shirt

PE Kit- to be worn to school on PE days

All children must be properly kitted out for PE/games lessons whether indoors or out.

Black shorts - these should be football style. Tight legging/ cycling/ hot pants are not acceptable.

Black and green PE top with logo ( available from uniform shop) - or plain black polo shirt- no logos

Plimsolls or trainers

Hair band for longer hair

For outdoor games – black  tracksuit-  with no large logos


Equipment – a water bottle ( any reusable) and a green, flat book bag- from school suppliers

The following are not allowed:

Large and colourful hair accessories incl hair pieces/ extensions       

Hooped or dangling earrings (only plain studs- to be removed or covered for PE)

Jewellery- unless worn for religious reasons- (letter to teacher required)

Nail varnish

Heeled shoes/ open toed sandals              

Leggings or Jeans

No extreme haircuts/ styles – including shaved tracks of any kind.


All uniform can be obtained from: 

However non logoed items can be obtained in supermarkets or online. 
