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Woodside Primary School

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Woodside Ambassadors

Woodside Ambassadors 2024 - 25

Our Year 6 Ambassadors were voted by the whole school following their presentations to their houses. This was completed democratically and the school voted in a ballot box. 


We meet at least once a half term to discuss our next plans for the school. During our first meeting we thought carefullty about our job as a Year 6 ambassador and created a thought map for this. From our first meeting, our actions included;

* wearing our badges daily

*visiting our link classes and gaining pupil voice from the whole school

* using our books to record ideas and next steps 

* planning the Harvest assembly and contacting the local food bank 


Ambassador Assembly - Litter and Looking After our Environment

We planned and took Monday assembly. We were shocked by the amount of litter around our school and decided to do something about it so took a whole school assembly. We are pleased to say that this has now improved. We must look after our environment!

Broxbourne Food Bank

Local Community Support

We made phone calls to the Broxbourne Food Bank in Cheshunt and CHEXS to organise our donations. The kind team at CHEXS said that they would be able to pick us up from Woodside, take us to the Food Bank and then bring us back to school. The children at Woodside made donations as part of Harvest. 

Ambassadors - Who we are!

Hello, we are the Woodside Ambassadors, we are made up of eight Year 6 pupils who were voted by our house teams. 

Campaining to Improve our School 



Part of our role as Woodside ambassadors is to plan how we are going to support local, national and global charities. We work with our link classes in the school to get ideas from all of the children across the school and then use assemblies, newsletters and design posters to share our final ideas.


Keep looking in this area to see what we are up to! 

Children in Need 2023

For Children In Need 2023 we held a meeting and decided how we were going to work with the school to raise as much money as possible for this charity. We did lots of things including a bake sale (and we made the cakes with the school kitchen), collect your coppers to add to a giant Pudsey, a non uniform day and an art competition. We led the assembly for the whole school so that everyone knew what Children in Need is all about.


We raised an amazing amount for this charity - £571.19! Look at the video that one of the ambassadors made.



Broxbourne Food bank 

We donated to the Broxbourne food bank, we held a non school uniform and instead of bringing in money, we created a list of items to bring in for others who need it. 

Mrs Quant's car was full up with donations. We thanked all of the Woodside families for their generous and kind donations! 

Organising Change 

During the Spring Term, we spoke to all of our link classes and found out about a change that they wanted at school. They all said that more playground equipment was needed and that will help friendships and activity on the playground. 

We worked together to plan and organise a whole school 'ambassador fun run'. This took place on a course designed by us around the school and the whole school had a great time! 


We raised an amazing 



